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Dr. R.A. (Ronald) GASE (b. 1951) has been an educator since 1973, since 1995 as superintendent of public high schools, from September 1st 2019 until November 1st, 2020 at the Leonardo da Vinci Scholengroep in Leiden (South-Holland). Before that, from 1995-2018, with SOVON in the school district "Noord-Holland-Noord" (around 7000 students in eight high schools) in the NW of the Netherlands.
In the past he has been a co-worker at Amsterdam University in the department of organic chemistry as well as mathematics, chemistry and physics teacher, vice-principal and high school principal.
From 1989 until 2003 he was high school principal at Jan van Scorel College (now Stedelijk Dalton College Alkmaar) in Alkmaar and from 2006-2008 at osg Huygenwaard (now Huygens College) in Heerhugowaard.
Furthermore he is a senior management consultant, master genealogist and free-lance publisher on the relations between the Netherlands and its former colony Indonesia (1945-1962).

If you are interested in more detailed information you can have a look at his full resume (in Dutch).

dr R.A. Gase


If you want to have a look at the available genealogical data on this site please check The Family Tree of the American Gase, Moermond, Boes, Steigmeyer, Elchert, Nye and Yost families and The Family Tree of the Dutch Gase, Van Stein, Weder, Van der Fluit and Moermond families.

In the Ancestor Report that is published on this website all the (maternal and paternal) ancestors of Thomas and Daniël GASE, as they are known today, are mentioned. Thomas Antoine GASE was born on December 10th, 1989 in Hoorn in the Netherlands. Daniël Cornelis GASE was born on August 20th, 1992, also in Hoorn.

The Ancestor Report starts with My grandson Joshua Gase, born 07-07-2015.
His parents are numbers 2 and 3, his grandparents numbers 4-7, his great grandparents nrs 8-15 etc. etc.

If you are a GASE yourself or if you are otherwise interested in the history of more than 200 years of GASES in the Netherlands you can have a look at the Gase Family Tree ("descendant report") for Jean-Antoine GASC containing the names and other known facts of all descendants of Jean-Antoine Gasc and Maria Josephe Catemberg that have lived in the Netherlands from 1792 onwards.
Jean-Antoine GASC was born in Verfeil, 30 kilometers east of Toulouse, in the French department "Haute-Garonne", on January 19, 1755.
In the late 1780's or early 1790's, i.e. shortly before the French occupation of the Netherlands, Jean-Antoine GASC moved to Amsterdam  where he married Maria Josephe "Josefina" CATEMBERG (or: KATTENBERG) on July 20, 1794. Jean-Antoine GASC died of the flue in Amsterdam on December 18th, 1800, at the age of 45.

On February 19, 1794 a son was born to Jean-Antoine GASC and Maria Josephe ("Josefina") Catemberg (or: Kattenberg). He was baptized the same day in the Roman Catholic "French Chapel" in Amsterdam and named Thomas Antoine after his godfather Thomas Antoine AVY.
In later documents Thomas Antoine was using the surnames GASCH or GASE. From 1822 onwards only the name GASE was used. Thomas Antoine GASE died in Amsterdam at the age of 90 on March 10th, 1884.
All 80 GASES that are living in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Australia today are descendants of Jean-Antoine and Thomas Antoine GASE.

If you want to know more about Gase-family in the United States of America click here.  

Furthermore, Ronald Gase has published two books on the Dutch-Indonesian relations between 1945 and 1962. His first book was titled "Misleiding of zelfbedrog" ("Deception or self-deception", Anthos, 1984), his second "Beel in Batavia" (Anthos, 1986).
A third book, entitled (translated) "Indonesia merdeka; 1949: the final year of the Indonesian struggle for independence" will probably be published in 2025.

f you have questions, corrections and/or suggestions concerning genealogy or on the Dutch-Indonesian relations in the time span 1945-1962 please e-mail Ronald: E-mail: E-mail adres